Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Regular Betty Crocker....lol, not really (2/9)

Today I decided that I had to make freezer jam out of all the strawberries that I bought, before they all died. (great sell at King Soopers-$1.25 a container, not as good as the 99cent one, but at least not 5 or 6 bucks a container). Ok, this was my first attempt at doing this, so I thought that it went pretty well. Also today, was my 10th day for my Amish Friendship bread that Lacey gave me. So I did it and that bread is awesome, sad that it takes 10 days to make. But it makes 2 loaves each time so hopefully it will last that long.

Austin sampling the product
Again (I am amazed that boy didn't turn red by the time we finshed)

Austin helping me mix the sugar into the mashed strawberries

Finshed product (and it tastes pretty good to, a little runny-who know how to fix that or what I did that I wasn't suppose to)

The kids helping me make the bread

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