Saturday, July 19, 2008


1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.


Mandy said...

Well we had lots of memories but the first one to pop into my head was when we played that Columns game on Martins old saga game system all night. We only played for so long because neither would tell the other we didn't want to play anymore. Crazy kids.

Cam said...

Hi Stephanie- I remember coming to your ward's playgroups, just because I wanted to get to know all of you ladies too. I just remember you talking about Wyoming and that you were always really nice. Your kids are getting big too! I hope things are going well for your family.

Terra said...

I remember going on morning walks with you and Darlene and you telling me about your work. I was so impressed that you were a nurse!

KellyAnne said...

Wow, you've been posting and I have a lot of catching up to do! I've been wondering what you've been up to.
I remember you invited me over to a Mary Kay party once. I'm not a very big makeup person but I really had fun and was glad you invited me! I used to be your visiting teacher and it was always fun to come and visit at your house. And you were always so patient about letting my kids play with Chloe's toys! It's weird to think of how small CHloe was then and realize how big she is now. TOo much time has flown by!
I also remember that you called me once while we were on rotation in Utah, and Isaac was a baby. He was a pretty fussy baby and talking to you about it really made me feel better. It was always nice to get advice from someone with experience as a nurse!

Barney Family Blog said...

First of all I can't bleleive how big your kiddos are. Chloe's hair is so long!!! They are both so cute!!

I remember you stopping in for a visit ebery now and then and loving that you came by. I really like visiting with you and it was nice to take a break. I really apppreciated it! What a nice friend!!
And thanks for calling yesterday. It was nice to talk to you for a while.

Margo said...

hmmm... a memory of you. I remember the cutest little girl with flowing blonde hair trying her hardest to straighten her blanket on the floor. No wrinkles, no bumps, perfectly smooth and then she and her little brother laying down on it in front of the TV to watch a favorite show. Or how about rolling around on the floor fighting same brother:)