My Baby is ONE!!! It is crazy that a year is gone by this quickly. Austin is such a little joy and blessing to us. Austin can now crawl and cruise everywhere. He is soo fast. He can say momma, dada, vroom (whenever he sees or hears a real or toy truck). He still is a momma's boy, but now that he is mobile, I don't have to hold him all the time (good for my back). My little boy is still little, barely 18 pounds, but the doctor isn't as concerned as before since his growth chart is on the rise. I just keep telling all these doctors, look at me and Shawn. Oh well. He loves to play with his sister's kitchen and watch Baby/Little Einstein. If you have seen these shows, Austin pats right along with the characters on it to help Rocket. So cute. We celebrated his b-day a day early, because all of my family was here. It was a tough day, due to it being my dad's birthday. So I was glad that we were all together. As you can tell by the pictures below, Austin LOVES chocolate. I love my baby!