Thursday, February 21, 2008

Happy V-day and Anniversary Sweetie!

I saw this posted on Camille's blog (THANKS) and thought it was great. So here's some "trivia" about my relationship with Shawn
What is his name? Shawn Cottrell

How long have you been together? We started dating about 8 1/2 years ago, and have been married 7 years now.

How long did you date? We got engaged after dating for 1 1/2 years

How old his he? 26

Who eats more? It depends on the day, but I think Shawn eats more than me in general

Who said I love you first? Shawn

Who is taller? Shawn

What is his favorite sport? He enjoys playing basketball, racketball and running, he did wrestling, cross country and basketball in high school

Who drives when you’re together? Usually him.

Who can sing better? I think that Shawn does, but he doesn't believe me.

Who is smarter? Shawn definately

Who does the laundry? ME, Shawn HATES the laundry, so I do it and he says that he will clean the bathroom since I hate that

Who pays the bills? Me

Who sleeps on the right side? Me, and Shawn sleeps on the left :)

Who mows the lawn? Maintence (apartments blah)

Who cooks dinner? Usually me, I am trying to do better on that, since I always thought (when I worked full time) that stay at home moms had all this time to cooking and clean, etc. Boy did I learn that isn't true. But I try to at least have dinner started by the time Shawn gets home from work.

Who does the dishes? Shawn usually does the dishes, since I cook dinner

Who is more stubborn? Depends on the day and the topic

Who kissed who first? Shawn kissed me first, a week after we started dating. When he dropped me off for Drill Team practice

Who asked who out first? Shawn. I was pretty naive. He asked me if I wanted to go fishing with him and his friend. So I just thought it was a group of friends going. Until, that friend cancelled and Shawn tried everything in his power to still do something with me that night. Ended up going to his house with a different friend and watched a movie.

Who proposed? Shawn, I knew that he had the ring. So everytime we went out, I would wonder is this it. But when it finally happened, it was perfect.

Who has more siblings? Shawn (5 sisters and 1 brother)

Who wears the pants? Both of us, Shawn would look pretty funny in a dress :)

Happy Valentine's Day sweetie!

I bet that you can't tell these two are siblings

Now both Chloe and Austin have cheesy grins. Whenever I pull out the camera to Austin and say "Cheese" he gets that smile and arches back his head as far as he can. And Chloe just love getting her picture taken, and then looking at the image and say, "Oh cute."