Monday, December 1, 2008

I am Blessed

I finally found my camera, so I thought that I would take some updated pictures of my kids!
Also, I saw it on a friends blog to have everyone email there addresses to her for Christmas cards. And I thought what a great idea. So email me your addresses for Christmas cards. With all this moving around and having friends move as well. Who knows if I have everyones addresses. So please email me your addresses and let me know how life is going for you :)


Our Thanksgiving this year was pretty low-keyed, since it was just the 4 of us. But we did have all of the Thanksgiving staples to our dinner (thanks to Shawn). It is alwasy nice to just have a day to relax and enjoy the people that you love. I am so thankful for my kids (even though I feel as though I am failing as a mom half the time~ luckly my kids seem to forgive instantly) and my honey (who seems to feel as if he isn't showing me how much he loves me, even though he does it everyday by the small things that he does for me). It was a good day! Hopefully next year we will have company so that we can use our new table. Hint, Hint!


Our best friends from Utah came up to visit us and see our new house. We haven't seen them since I had Austin (almost 2 years). So it was so great to get together and catch up. They came late Friday night, after their oldest daughter was done with school. And then they stayed until around noon on Tuesday. So sad to see them go, but it was so wonderful to see them and enjoy in their company.

We went to Casa Bonita on Saturday night. The travel guide made it sound ver family oriented/fun filled. There was cliff diving, arcades, and a Mariachi band (we got seated right behind them (it was so loud). The food was alright, so I guess it was more for the atmosphere that people like to come here. We might try it again when the kids are much older. :) But a interesting little tidbit~ it is the largest restaurant in the US and the second largest in the world. Which you wouldn't guess that looking from the outside. It is in the corner of a strip mall.
Austin & Chloe playing on a arcade game where you squish the spiders. Their favorite game. With all the tickets that all of us won. The kids each got a plastic whistle. Mysteriously, they disappeared the next day. Hmm. (Very high pitched and loud).

The next day, all of us went to Shawn's office to give the Webbs' eye exams. So to coax the kids into behaving we promised them we would go to the zoo after. Well we made it though the exams. And the weather was perfect for the zoo, and hardly anyone was there. It was a real treat and pretty scary, when we went to the lion enclosure, one of them decided to come and say hello. You forget how large these animals are, until you are standing next to one.

Alex and Ashlynn looking at the baby giraffe. He was born in June (I think). And he was like 6 foot already and 150+ lbs. Ugh! After we were done at the zoo, we went to PF Changs (my family's first time). Poor Austin had not gotten a nap all day and was beyond himself. Just crying "No Mama No". No matter what I did or asked. He would say the same thing. Sigh. Finally I was able to reason with him enough to not get ugly looks from the people sitting next to us.

Tinker Bell

I got Chloe this costume for Christmas last year. Unfortunately, my kids are little. So it is still to big for her. But she just had to wear it, especially to watch her new movie, Tinker Bell.

Halloween Party~Apartment Complex

We decided to take the kids to the halloween party here at our apartment complex, because on Halloween we were going to be moving. So I got the kids all dressed up and when Shawn got home we went to the party. It was alot of fun. Chloe won 2nd place for her costume. I thought that Austin should have won also, but they said that wouldn't have been fair to have 2 win in the same family. Oh well!!! Chloe enjoyed the prize more than Austin would have. The little boy in the batman costume was smiten with Chloe. His dad came up to me later to exchange addresses for the pictures he took and that I took. He said that when we came in, his son couldn't stop looking at Chloe. So the dad said, "just go up and dance with her". Since Chloe was in the middle of the room dancing. It was really cute.

Halloween Party

Halloween Party

Halloween Party

Halloween Party

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Well October was one of the craziest months I have ever lived through. When I finded my camera I will post pictures. But that I will explain later. The end of September we found our dream home, which I already posted pictures. So through October we were working towards buying it. But it will be easier if I just go in chronilogical (totally didn't spell that right oh well) order.
At the beginning of the month, Shawn decided to give up his main Target location (Lakewood) and work full time at a private practice in Northglenn (north of Denver). But he is still working at Target-Stapleton part-time. Yeah working 6 days a week is rough. Anyways, he needed to use our Jeep to transfer all the patient charts to the other Target location. As he was getting onto the interstate, a lady wasn't paying attention and rear ended him. Luckly, 1) he was in the Jeep and she hit the back spare tire, so the damage was minimal. If he had been in the Grand AM, who knows what would have happened. 2) she only hit him going 5-10mph. But it did do a number on her car. The police came and I got a phone call at 9:30a from Shawn to tell me this. Sigh. At least everyone was ok. So then I had to deal with the insurance company to repair our vehicle. I still can't believe how much it cost, $564 for a little fender bender.
So I get Rocket (the Jeep~Chloe loves Little Einstein and they ride around in Rocket, so the Jeep's name is Rocket) out of the shop on a Thursday evening (the accident was the Friday before) and they did a great job. On Saturday, me and the kids went to go get pizza. As I was driving the person in front of me slammed on their brakes to turn at the next street. So I start to slow down (the street we were on is 45mph zone) and the person behind me didn't see me I guess (in a big black Jeep Liberty) and slammed into us. It took me a couple of seconds to realize what happened. So I pulled over and checked myself. My finger was bleeding and my back and neck hurt. But what can you expect getting hit like that. Checked the kids, they didn't even know what happened. Chloe even said that we needed to get going and get the pizza. I told her we couldn't Rocket had been hit again (I swear there is a big bullseye on the back). But I checked the kids for bruises and broken bones. Chloe had a little mark on her chin. I called 911, it is interesting cuz if you call from a cell phone it puts your phone on emergency mode. Don't know what that is but hey that is what it said. I have called 911 more times than I can count as a nurse but never for myself. I was pretty shaken up, but was able to tell them where I was after a couple minutes. Then I called Shawn, crying. Luckly he got home early and was at home when I called, so he was on his way to us. Then a lady came up to my window and said she saw the whole thing and was willing to give a statement but had a appointment right then. But left her name and number for the police. And said that it was totally the other person's fault. That made me feel better, cuz I couldn't remember what had happened. You know how you drive a road alot and you just go into auto pilot. Anyways, go and check the other car, and their car is totaled, the whole hood is smashed up to the windshield. The driver came out just swearing up a storm, so I am pretty scared that they will come after me. But once she saw me she just started to say how sorry she was and make sure everyone was ok. Both of them were pretty shook up, but looked ok. Then she asked if she should move her car out of the road. Fluid was coming out of it. So I said I don't know what that is, so I would wait until the police came and ask them. Then I told them that I needed to get back to my kids. The instant I said kids, she freaked. And wanted to know that they were ok. So I went back and the police came and took my statement and asked if I need EMTs, I said that I just had some bad whiplash, but was ok. And then I said my kids are ok also. Again the instant I said kids, the police officer said he would get EMTs over right away. Here them came. Luckly by then Shawn had come to help me. Kids checked out fine, but because of the impact on the Jeep (our trailer hitch was bent at a 45 degree angle down) the EMTs said that it would be best if the kids were checked out at the ER. Then they looked at me and I said I was ok just whiplash. And me and Shawn are medically trained and know what to look for for head injuries. Then one of the EMTs said that he had seen accidents with less impact on the vehicle, the person declines medical treatment and can't walk the next day d/t a C1 C2 fracture. That kinda scared me, so I said that I was willing to go to the ER (I just thought that Shawn would take me and the kids in). But the instant I said that, they immoblized my neck, got a c-collar on me and stuck me on a backboard. Pretty intense stuff. Because there were 3 of us (me and the kids, the other car people declined medical attention) we needed two ambulances. So me and Austin were in one and Chloe was by herself in the other one. The police suggested that Shawn drive to the hospital so that we would have a vehicle to drive home in. Austin was screaming, and there wasn't anything that I could do, I was stuck on the backboard. So I told Shawn to get his blanket and he would suck his thumb and be fine. The Emt is the ambulance said that he had a bear for Austin to make him happy so we could go. I said no he will throw that bear at you, he just needs his blanket. Which he got and was happy. Finally I found out where Chloe was (later I found out that she wasn't scared at all and had the best time in the ambulance). Get to the ER and all I can see is up. They put Austin on the ground in a car seat to get me out. I warned them that he will escape if he isn't strapped into it. So they were watching him. I get wheeled into the ER and someone starts talking to me about how cute my Chloe is and I should be so proud, etc,etc,etc. I said thanks faceless voice. Since the person was down at my feet helping wheel me in. He finally came where I could see him and he was a EMT in Chloe's ambulance. WOW, I can write alot. Long story short in the ER. I got a CAT scan and x-rays of my back and neck that all came back negative. Sigh. So we were all in the ER for about 3 hours, most of that time me strapped to a back board (very uncomfortable). Shawn told me later that if he hadn't seen me before I went in the ambulance, he would have thrown the doctor card and killed a front desk lady at the hospital. He got to the hospital and asked for us. The lady said I wan't in the system and to sit down and wait. So he sat in the waiting room for 10mins not knowing how we were. He went back up to a different lady and said my whole family was just brought in, please let me go see them. She said that we still weren't in the system, but then she called back and found us. That shows you what a little extra work will do for someone.
So Rocket went back to the auto shop and I just got him back 3 days ago. Me and the kids are fine. Thank goodness. And we closed on our house on the 30th of October. It is so strange to actually be in a house and able to go buy NEW furniture!!! Halloween we went to Boo at the Zoo and to the library to trick or treat. We didn't go that night because me and Shawn had to fix the main waterline in our house (it was leaking in the basement).
Life definately keeps you on your toes!! We have plenty of room if anyone is passing through Denver, we would love to see you.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Birthday!! 10/14

Today is my birthday!!! I am so old. Shawn made me breakfast and the kids gave me a card. It was a great day. Shawn and the kids gave me Sleeping Beauty dvd. I was wanting light plate covers for the house (the old ones the previous owner took, so we have alot of light switches that are naked.) He didn't like that idea and said that is from the housing fund not your birthday.

Broncos Game 10/5

We went to the Broncos vs. Tampa Bay Buccaneers game. This is the first professional game that either of us had been to for anything, let alone football. It was awesome. We had amazing seats, thanks to the doctor that Shawn works with. He has season tickets and wasn't going to make it to the game. So he offered it to us. We were on the north end zone. And halfway through the game it started to rain, we didn't even notice. Thanks to the balony above us shading us from the sun and rain. Go Broncos!!!! They won 16-13.

These signs were so funny. They were on the ramps around the stadium. I didn't realize I needed to bring a speedometer.

This was on the corners on the ramps

A sculptor out in front of the stadium

Chloe drawing

Chloe loves to draw right now...I just wish she would do it on paper so I can save it.

My House 9/30

This is the reason why I have been slacking on the blog. We are in the process of buying a house. Hopefully all the paperwork and loan stuff will be done in the next couple of weeks. So hopefully we will be moving by the end of October. YAH!!!! No more apartments! We are counting down the seconds at this point. (We live across the street from a community college, so there are alot of single freshman that are our neighbors. Parties at 2am, that kind of thing.) We have tried in the past to purchase a house, but because Shawn was self-employed (even though he is a doctor), they wouldn't look at us until he had been working 2 years. BLAH! But now he is working for a private practice full-time and keeping one of his Target Optical locations part-time. So hopefully there won't be anymore problems. We will just be glad when the keys are in our hands and we know it is ours!


Kitchen/informal dining room and you can kinda see the backyard

Living Room with Chloe dancing

Formal dining room off the kitchen

Just a front sitting area, I guess :)

Austin and the front door

Study (Shawn's computer room and scrapbooking for me)


The front of the house

Optometry Kids 9/27

I am such a geek. I saw these shirts online and had to get them. They say I love my Optometrist. Today 10/15 a lady in Chloe's gymnastics class commented on the shirt and said, "Isn't she too little to have a optometrist." She didn't realize that Chloe was my child, so when I said, "well her dad is the optometrist." We all had a good laugh.

Miller Farms 9/23

Chloe & Austin on "Herbie", they also have real size vehicles that looked like the characters on "Cars". The kids were in heaven.

Austin playing in the dirt in a tractor tire. What a boy!

Austin and the firetruck.

Chloe and her friend Amy

All the kids in the firetruck
Austin and Cameron (they are about a month apart in age)

We went to Miller Farms (up next to Longmont, CO-about a hour away from where we live) with the Moms' Group in our ward. It was a ton of fun... But I was not prepared for it. I thought that it would take 1 1/2 to 2 hours. Because you get on a hay wagon and they pull you around the fields and at every stop you get 2 5lb bags for each veggie there. Which is a ton of food (corn, indian corn, tomatoes, potatoes, onions, beets, etc., etc.) There were so many of us, that it took over 3 hours and I had to have the farm hands come out and get me and the kids to go to a appointment. And I figured, "oh i'll just bring each of the kids sippy cups full of water and a lunch and we will be fine." No. So by the time we were done, we were really thirsty and hungry. Oh well. Be better prepared next year. It was lot of fun though.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

COA dinner

Well last Saturday my siblings came down from Laramie to watch my kids, so me and Shawn could go to the COA (Colorado Optometric Association) dinner. Thanks guys, I really appreciate it. It was awesome. It was black tie optional, so I got to wear something other than blue jeans :). Unfortunately we didn't take pictures, maybe next time. It was good to get to meet some of the other ODs, especially the ones that Shawn works with. It is always nice to put a face with a name. The theme for the dinner was, 20 years of Therapeutic Excellence. So in 1988, Colorado passes a law stating that optometrists could write prescriptions. Yeah!! Shawn and I were joking that we should go up to the older doctors and thanks them for what they did while we were in 1st grade. :). But it was a great dinner, Shawn's brother was recognized for 10 years in the AOA. Congrats Kevin! And the lead speaker was Tom Sullivan. Who has been blind since birth and has lead a extraordinary life. Opened my eyes to what someone can accomplish. And not to look at blindness like a defect or disablity, but as a opportunity.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

I finally did it...

So I finally did it. I saw on my friend's blog, how she got glasses, not because she needed them. But because any optometrists wife should have a cute pair of glasses. I now have a slight prescription. So I figured why not.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Playing outside

It was such a nice day outside, we just had to get outside. Chloe is still trying to learn how to peddle on her tricycle.

Green Mountain burnt

Picture from the park, those apartments are next to ours (more to the left)

Picture from I-70

We live in a area called Green Mountain. Right up against the mountains. Anyways, on 8/4/2008 we had a storm in the afternoon, which started a fire on Green Mountain. They think that it was lightning that started it. Anyways, it was a little scary but I knew that it had to burn through alot of homes before it would hit ours. But still only being a couple miles away it makes you think what you would grab if you had to leave. Here are some pictures that I took 8/19/2008

Denver Zoo

We bought a membership at the Denver Zoo. Both Chloe and Austin love animals. Chloe always asks if she can go see the animals at the Zoot (Zoo). It was alot of fun. One crazy thing that happened, we were in the gorilla house and the kids were up on the step to look in at the gorillas. We heard a airplane fly overhead and it must have spooked one of the gorilla or he just didn't like it. But he can charging at the glass where the kids were standing and hit the glass hard with both of his hands up. That was a shock. 8/10/2008


We went to go see my cousin who lives in Littleton (it is about 15 minutes away from me). And most of her family was also at her house. It was soo awesome. Since this was the first time that I saw her new house and I was able to meet most of my cousins' kids. Chloe and Austin had a blast. Chloe is now constantly asking to go and see her cousins and play. Especially since she saw all of her cousins on Shawn's side of the family over the 4th of July. So she now thinks that most little kids are her cousins. 8/2/2008

Play Group (Water Park)

We went to a park with a water feature for our moms playgroup from church. It was a ton of fun. My kids just love water. And I found out that Austin loves to explore. 7/31/2008